Talent Edge Weekly - Issue #94 - Best of Issue

Welcome to this week’s issue of Talent Edge Weekly - the weekly newsletter for human resources practitioners, bringing together talent and HR insights from various sources.

Around this time each year, I like to devote an issue to highlighting some of the most popular articles, reports, and resources I have shared.

So for this week's issue, I am sharing 20 of the most popular posts I have made over the past few months.

  • Given the change in focus for this week's newsletter, you will notice the newsletter format is different. 

  • Instead, of seeing my full summary and commentary associated with each article, you will only see 1-2 sentences for each resource, and a hyperlink. The hyperlink will take you to my full summary on my website, and from there, you can access the original resource.

  • I am using this format for this week only to keep the length of the newsletter manageable. I will return to the standard format next week.

I hope you find these references to be useful as you continue to prepare for 2022. Meanwhile, have a great and safe week and I look forward to sharing more ideas in next week’s Edge!