Talent Edge Weekly - Issue #46 - Special Year-End Edition

Welcome to this week’s issue of Talent Edge Weeklythe weekly newsletter for human resources practitioners, bringing together insights about work, the workplace, and the workforce from various sources.

If you find value in this issue or any of its resources, please share them with your network by using the social media icons at the top of the newsletter.

Have a great week, and I look forward to sharing more ideas in next week’s Edge!


Brian Heger is a human resources practitioner with a Fortune 150 organization and has responsibilities for Strategic Talent and Workforce Planning. To connect with Brian on Linkedin, click here.

Special Year-End Edition

As we close out 2020 and get ready for the new year, I wanted to recap the top articles that I have shared over the past few months.

These Top 15 articles (there are actually 21 since I reference a few bonus articles) are in no particular order, but they do represent those articles that have received the highest engagement (i.e., views, shares, likes, and comments) from posts that I have made on various platforms.

The articles center on three broader themes:

  1. HR Effectiveness - the changing role of HR, CHROs, and HR priorities

  2. HR Practices - optimizing practices such as talent reviews, learning, people analytics, and workforce planning

  3. Workforce Trends - future of work, women in the workplace, diversity, and remote work

They include:

  • Superhuman Resources: How HR Leaders Have Redefined Their C-suite Role | strategy + business

  • The CHRO's Team: What Matters Most | Talent Strategy Group and The Shanley Group

  • Accelerating the Journey to HR 3.0: Ten Ways To Transform In a Time of Upheaval | IBM Institute for Business Value and Josh Bersin Academy

  • Top 5 Priorities for HR Leaders in 2021 | Gartner

  • 21 HR Jobs of The Future Report | Cognizant

  • Resetting the Future of Work Agenda: Disruption and Renewal in a Post-covid World | World Economic Forum With Mercer

  • 2021 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends | Deloitte Insights

  • Reimagining the Postpandemic Workforce | Mckinsey Quarterly

  • 2020 Women in the Workplace Report | LeanIn. org

  • Getting Serious About Diversity: Enough with the Business Case | Harvard Business Review

  • Care to Do Better – Building Trust to Leave Your People and Your Business Net Better Off | Accenture

  • Six Steps to Great Talent Reviews | The Talent Strategy Group

  • How to Be Great at People Analytics | McKinsey

  • From Workforce to Work-task Planning | Dave Ulrich | Talent Quarterly

  • Three Steps to Turn Your Company Into a Learning Powerhouse | BCG

While this isn't an exhaustive list, it does represent a sample of the topics and articles in which readers have been most interested.

Accessing the Top 15

Although I always include the articles directly in the newsletter itself, due to the number of articles in this issue being double than what is usually shared--I have posted them on my website instead. The website version will provide for a better reading experience.

I hope you find these resources to be useful as you prepare for the new year.

Next Issue

Please note that in observance of the holiday season, I will not be publishing a newsletter issue next Sunday. I will resume the publication on Sunday, January 3, 2021.

I hope you all have a happy, safe, and healthy holiday season and that you get to enjoy time with your family and friends while taking care of yourselves, and each other.

I look forward to continuing to exchange ideas with you all in the new year!

Click to access the Top 15 HR and Talent Articles